
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mucus Madness

Ok, so the walls in our house are thin, super thin and mine and KayKay's rooms just so happen to be near the bathroom. So if you are doing something in there, we can usually hear it. Gross, but true. Usually we just tune it out. However, it is REALLY hard to tune out the hacking, coughing, and nose blowing that goes on when our one housemate is IN THE SHOWER.

That's right, in our shared shower. And does he clean it up? No, of course not, he is a boy. Now, I can see maybe spitting once when you are in the shower, but it is literally a constant thing. A constant thing that I have to listen to while I wait for my turn in said shower.

Of course I don't just go and get in, I have to spray Scrubbing Bubbles with bleach and scrub the shower first. I don't want some grody foot fungus because he has a mucus problem. Now, I understand that he probably has a lot of mucus going on right now because he has a cold. However, I am sick too, and I don't blow my nose and hack up loogies in the shower. It's gross. Plus, not only do I have a head cold, I have a stomach virus, and listening to him coat the floor of the shower with boogers is not doing much for my nausea, let me tell you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The End of the World

So every night the two boys we live with invite other people over and they proceed to bog our internet connection down with an intense nerd game called League of Legends. Now, I am sure the game is fun at times, but it is certainly not fun for me and KayKay when we are trying to work on homework and submit things online and our internet is moving slower than molasses in a snowstorm. Tonight, KayKay, being the computer genius that she is, suggested that we limit their bandwith usage.

Thats when it happened.

After logging into our router settings she discovered that our firmware was outdated or something or other (I don't know computers) and decided to upgrade it. Unfortunately, this subsequently knocked out the internet. The house was filled with screams (yes, screams) of despair and some other colorful words quickly followed.

We feel kind of mean because we didn't mean to interrupt their game, but their screams were pretty funny. Besides, now they are going over to the dorms to play their game. Mission accomplished. Time for bed.



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

T Minus 10 Days

T minus 10 days until mine and Gigi's parent's get here. Every year our University has this thing called Winter Carnival and we get 4 day weekend! Since this is such a huge event a lot of Alumni, family and friends of the University come up and visit. So we have a lot to clean!

Now, I try to always keep this house clean but with the two boys, especially one of them, that is impossible.

What To Clean:

  • Kitchen Sink
  • Dishes
  • Kitchen Counter
  • Refrigerator
  • Pizza boxes
  • Bathrooms
  • Laundry
  • Laundry room
  • The Floors
  • Stair Way
Please note: The mess in the Kitchen, Dining room(pizza boxes), Stair way all belong to the boys.  Also, those aren't our pubes all over the bathroom. ;-). The rest is equal, but the boys wont help clean anything. So I have to do it.

Wish me luck!


Monday, January 31, 2011

I need a drink.

So you know what you do when you have been working hard on your school work, your house is dirty and Murphy's Law has been following you around all day?...You sit down, relax and have yourself a nice glass, 3/4 of a bottle in my case, of champagne. good. My favorite kind of cheap champagne!

Now if you're under 21 and live in the US then you shouldn't be doing this because it is illegal. ;-)

How to Make a Man to Clean up After Himself |

Things You'll Need:

  • Persistence
  • Self-control
  • The patience of a saint


  1. Tell, don't ask. If you ask a man to clean up the dirty dishes he's left strewn all over the living room, the typical response will be, "Yeah, in a minute" and then thirteen commercial breaks have passed and your living room still looks like a kitchen. Instead of asking him, tell him. They're like little kids this way. They respond much better to instruction.

  2. Avoid cleaning up after him. Let him take responsibility for the messes. Even if it takes all your will-power not to chase after him and pick up, refuse to do it. Otherwise, he'll keep depending on you to clean up his messes.

  3. Leave messes of your own. Just to see how he likes it. Giving him a taste of his own medicine normally works like a charm.

  4. Leave his messes in an obvious place where he cannot ignore him. This will always get their attention and they can no longer use the excuse, "I forgot." If he's notorious for leaving his laundry everywhere, leave it on his office desk so he has to clean it up. Or leave his dirty dishes in his underwear drawer. It may seem a bit extreme, but you'll definitely get him to sit up and take notice.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oops. I think he heard us!

So GiGi and I were discussing the topic our new blog, The Adventures of Living with College Boys, and I'm pretty sure one our male house mates heard us. Whoops. But you can hear just about anything in this house, even a small whisper. We just don't want to have to already put an end to this blog. This is kind our own little secret blog to about what it's like to live as college student....WITH BOYS.

Now, I'm not saying all men live this way but we have some pretty messy house mates that just don't clean up after themselves. Day after Day, Pizza box after Pizza box. Like today for example, Pizza box with crust still in it on the kitchen table. They already have a random garbage bag of pizza boxes literally 4 feet away from from kitchen table. C'mon boys, you were almost there!

Anyways, more to come....hopefully they didn't hear us.
