
Friday, February 4, 2011

The End of the World

So every night the two boys we live with invite other people over and they proceed to bog our internet connection down with an intense nerd game called League of Legends. Now, I am sure the game is fun at times, but it is certainly not fun for me and KayKay when we are trying to work on homework and submit things online and our internet is moving slower than molasses in a snowstorm. Tonight, KayKay, being the computer genius that she is, suggested that we limit their bandwith usage.

Thats when it happened.

After logging into our router settings she discovered that our firmware was outdated or something or other (I don't know computers) and decided to upgrade it. Unfortunately, this subsequently knocked out the internet. The house was filled with screams (yes, screams) of despair and some other colorful words quickly followed.

We feel kind of mean because we didn't mean to interrupt their game, but their screams were pretty funny. Besides, now they are going over to the dorms to play their game. Mission accomplished. Time for bed.




  1. Hahahaha. I can imagine the screams. I know enough about my male classmates to know that they go crazy during "game" night.

  2. Haha I changed all the that wont be able to even find the IP address of out router and wont be able to guess the password if for some reason they find it.


