
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mucus Madness

Ok, so the walls in our house are thin, super thin and mine and KayKay's rooms just so happen to be near the bathroom. So if you are doing something in there, we can usually hear it. Gross, but true. Usually we just tune it out. However, it is REALLY hard to tune out the hacking, coughing, and nose blowing that goes on when our one housemate is IN THE SHOWER.

That's right, in our shared shower. And does he clean it up? No, of course not, he is a boy. Now, I can see maybe spitting once when you are in the shower, but it is literally a constant thing. A constant thing that I have to listen to while I wait for my turn in said shower.

Of course I don't just go and get in, I have to spray Scrubbing Bubbles with bleach and scrub the shower first. I don't want some grody foot fungus because he has a mucus problem. Now, I understand that he probably has a lot of mucus going on right now because he has a cold. However, I am sick too, and I don't blow my nose and hack up loogies in the shower. It's gross. Plus, not only do I have a head cold, I have a stomach virus, and listening to him coat the floor of the shower with boogers is not doing much for my nausea, let me tell you.

1 comment:

  1. KayKay & GiGi,

    I read through your blog and it made me laugh. I am living with two guys next year (although I might as well live with them now, they are often so much), so I know what you guys are going through!

    Would either of you be interested in being blogger contributors on the Stage of Life Project ( Your essays would be perfect for the college stage. We're working with bloggers and writers to grow our mission of compiling the world's largest pool of cross-generational stories and essays.

    If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email at


    P.S. If you don't have time to guest blog for us, we understand. If you do, you are welcome to promote your blog within each essay/story you share in the project, but if your bandwidth is busy, we'd love a mention on your site about our project if you do reviews. We wish you the best.
